Sunday, 30 March 2014

MLE in LC 10

MLE in LC 10

What does a Modern Learning Environment look like in LC10?

Firstly ICT is used seemlessly for mostly skills and drills, blogging and creating in a digital way. Our class blog connects the families and friends of the children as well as classrooms from around the world. 

Children are not in prearranged seating plans unless they have made poor choices with their learning or behaviour.  Children are allowed to sit where they like and with who they like as they can work more collaboratively bouncing ideas off one another or quietly asking for help from experts. 

Today we trialled sitting in the cupboards!!! They loved it and not a whisper could be heard. This will be an option, but in the meantime I'd like everyone to experience sitting out there so they can become more self aware learner and knowing what works for them.

We've been using a pair of ear muffs for several weeks now and have a group of 9-12 learners who prefer this learning style. Using 5 minute intervals allows children to have this opportunity.

Last week after sending children out for a brain break during writing and watching who was following instructions, getting back on with their work quickly and not mucking around those children enjoyed a brain break (quick jog around the field) without the teacher (or doing brain break exercises on YouTube).  While the others that need more scaffolding/direction/guidance/watching stayed with me for a more directed and structured brain break.  Today I sent out each writing group out in turns, this worked wonderfully! 

I was using BACH music (ewwww what's this the kids asked lol) during writing time, but I have found I'm sitting quite close to the player and it was used initially for a behaviour management strategy of keeping the noise down.
AND... Finally the furniture.  I have taken my teachers desk out of the class not only to make more room but it seems to be an eternal dumping ground for me. 

Table arrangements are in a purposeful way I promise! Having children sitting in small groups and  sitting by themselves lets children work to their strength. Using clipboards, standing or writing on their tummies again let children fidget and move. 


  1. Love your blog Kerry!It is so informative and it is obvious that you are constantly trying to challenge yourself and your students to try new learning styles, step out of their comfort zones and view learning through different lenses. Great work. I know I will reread these to help keep my own creative juices flowing. Your energy and enthusiasm come through your writing. Keep up the awesome work.

  2. PS LOVE the name of your blog.
