Monday, 7 July 2014

20% time

I have no special talents.  I am passionately curious
Albert Einstien 1952

I wanted to bring more creativity into the classroom but I struggle to timetable this in.  I proposed turning our Goldentime into 20% time or genius time from an idea that Google provides it's staff. They work on their own projects on Google time, but anything created is Google property such as Gmail and GAFE. (How great would it be to be allowed to develop, design or to research something that would be beneficial to our school? Outside of CRT and our other responsibilities!!) 

I looked into what genius time would look like in LC 10 and found some inspiring ideas.
Creating iMovies, learning coding (hopscotch or scratch), developing artistic skills further, learning stop motion animation, designing a simple butterfly garden the ideas are endless... Time is not however.

Thinking an essential part of learning... Indeed if you are not thinking about what you are learning, you are not probably not learning Jim Knight, Unmistakable Impact 

This was an idea I pitched back in term 2 for term 3 needless to say it hasn't been implemented :-(. Maybe an inquiry What is creativity? What makes me creative?

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